Sunday, February 1, 2015

Blog Post #3

What is Peer Editing?

Peer Editing is having an equal review your work and give suggestions and input in order to improve your writing capabilities. The more common ways of doing a peer review would have to be making comments on the actual piece, complimenting it, or giving suggestions. This is a very useful tool that teachers should implement with their students so that the students will be more driven to perform better; being that their work is being critiqued by another student of their own age group. However, in order to utilize this tool the teacher must teach the students the proper skills so that they can accurately perform their peer edits.

1. Compliment: Always lead with a compliment and let the author know that there are good points within their work.

2. Suggest: Without being harsh or rude, make suggestions that will honestly help the author make improvements on what they have already created.

3. Correct: If there are any evident spelling or grammatical errors ensure that the author is aware of them and be polite when making these corrections.

Peer editing will be a vital tool in order to practice critiquing works of others as well as knowing the proper way to help authors improve their works. In EDM 310, this will be an everyday occurrence. I will have to always keep in mind these three rules so that I am effective, professional, and precise about my compliments, suggestions, and corrections. As well, this will be an important tool to use on my own works. I will have to be humbled by my compliments, open to any suggestions, and cooperative with any corrections. No one is perfect and this is a way to fix any mistake whether or not it is a major mistake or a careless one. Utilizing this tool is a way to become more aware in one's own writing abilities and to either sustain or improve.  


  1. Hi Kelia,

    You made a great point about being humble and open to suggestions and corrections! Not only is it important to stay positive while critiquing our peers work but to also stay positive while they critique ours. It can be hard to take suggestions and corrections made by others lightly.

  2. Each blog post assignment is required to have working links to your sources, as outlined in Writing A Quality Blog Post. Please fix this.
