Sunday, October 12, 2014

Blog Post #8

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture put me in a state of awe. He explains that no matter your situation you can reach the goals and dreams that you set for yourself as a child. The "head fake" is a funny concept where students learn more than they perceive they are learning. Also, he goes on into stating that those that oppose you, your critics are your best allies. The critics will inevitably motivate you to work harder. As many teachers and mentors have taught me before, "if no one is critiquing you, you're not doing it right". He goes into talking about his life and a few of the obstacles he had to face. Many of which are troublesome and yet he never gave up on his dream and his path. His dream fulfillment factory is another fun concept. He incorporates technology to drive learning forward. With technology it opens more opportunities for advanced learning. Randy Pausch truly represents a true believer in Project Based Learning alongside the strong use of technology.


  1. Hey Kelia! Randy Pausch had a lot to teach us in the video we watched. It amazed me that he could be in such high spirits considering he was dying of cancer. I agree that people that are critiquing us make us motivated to work harder whether that be a job, or completing a new task. Great Job on your post!

  2. There is much more about teaching and learning in his talk!
