Sunday, November 30, 2014

C4T #4

Eva's Blog

Eva's first blog post that I commented on was a poetry post. She was teaching a lesson to her students and she felt that it was unsuccessful being that some of her students require special help in order for them to learn.

This is a piece from this post:
"I had a very disappointing lesson the other day and when I arrived home I thought what I could do for them to realize or do something for themselves until the next fork appears on the road they had chosen. And I decided to go to the class with a poem. Yes, I chose The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost as I thought with a little help, they would be able to understand the poem and we’d be able to talk about our decisions. To sum up, it was a great lesson. We all enjoyed it and I think they also revised their decisions or their attitudes towards their choices."

This was my response:
"I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, Alabama. I am a Secondary Education/ English major. I am taking EDM 310 and have been learning about technology and students. However, it is the students that are the key part of our careers. In order for them to want to learn we must show them that we care and will do everything in our power to help them reach their goals even when they don’t see their true worth at times. Giving students the motivation they need to push forward is a skill set I wish to attain to be a better teacher for them. I really enjoyed your post and what you are doing for your students. Plus, I love Robert Frost. Thank you for your time."

Eva's second blog I commented on was a fun one. She made a game for her students and had them breakup into teams according to their grades on the previous exam. This made the students work as a team to complete this complicated but fun way of playing 'telephone'. She got this idea from one of her PLN's and it proved to be successful.

Here's my response:
"Hello again,
My name is Kelia Fagan. I am a student at the University of South Alabama in Mobile, AL. I loved how you made this a game meant for the students to work together. As well, using your resources in order to improve your own classroom by taking away something positive from someone else’s classroom."

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